Updated 15th December 2021

In line with the most recent restrictions being lifted by the Government, and after reviewing and implementing procedures based on guidance issued by the Government and the NHS we remain open to admissions

We are continuing to follow the same processes and procedures regarding the management of COVID, to keep our clients and team safe.
We are currently closed to all non essential visitors. This decision has been made due to the rising levels of the new variant of COVID cases, and we therefore feel that this is the best approach at this time.

All new clients and their visitors entering STEPS Rehabilitation continue to be screened for COVID-19 and we will deliver all treatments and rehabilitation sessions with the correct PPE.

As always, the health and safety of all our clients and team remains our priority.

STEPS Rehabilitation looks after many vulnerable clients who have a range of complex health care needs. On this page you will find key information about the steps we are taking to prevent the spread of the virus through our setting.

We will continue to update this page whenever necessary, but if you would like any further information or you are concerned about anything, please do not hesitate to contact our Clinical Director on 0114 2587769 toria@stepsrehabilitation.co.uk.


We are currently still able to facilitate visits, however we will still be following strict government guidance. We will continue to complete dynamic risk assessments for visits to ensure we are doing everything possible to keep all our clients and staff safe. All contractors visiting STEPS are fully vaccinated against Covid in accordance with the new legislation.

We will ask you to choose five visitors and you may have the maximum of 2 visitors per visit (client's own children do not count in the numbers) You will need to book in your visiting slot with our reception team and these times need to be adhered to to enable us to support as many individual client visits as possible. If you are running late please let us know. When you book your visiting slot we will allocate an area for you to meet and this will be cleaned and sanitised between visits. We will require you to do a lateral flow Covid-19 test when you arrive at STEPS so please arrive 15 minutes before your allocated visiting slot. Our reception team will support you with the Covid tests and provide you with the correct PPE for your visit.

We know this has been and continues to be an incredibly difficult time for all our clients and families and we will be ensuring continued support outside of these visits with access to virtual calls as well as having additional staff available to provide companionship, and more activities outside of therapies. We will also provide updates on how your loved ones are doing for those who are unable to communicate this themselves.

In the meantime, our team will do all they can to ensure that life at STEPS remains as optimal as possible for everyone that we care for.


All of the STEPS team have now had their first and second Covid vaccinations. The team complete a Covid PCR tests once a week and 2 Lateral Flow tests each week. Across the setting the whole team are well informed about the symptoms of coronavirus and what to do should they believe they have them.

We have sanitisers stationed outside the building to be used before entering and in numerous stations around the building. With frequent testing now available for all STEPS team and clients plus the procedures that we have in place, we are confident we can continue to provide the service you have come to expect from us but also, supporting the prevention of further spread.

Policy & Procedure Document.

Our Policy and Procedure Document can be viewed in full here.