We offer active respite stays at STEPS for individuals with neurological conditions such as motor neurone disease.

Active respite packages are suitable for people living with a long-term condition/disability. This package offers clients and carers a break from usual routines, whilst providing a therapeutic approach to daily living. A range of therapies are available and an individual rehab plan will be planned for you before your arrival.

Neuro physiotherapy can be an important ingredient in the interdisciplinary treatment and care for individuals with motor neurone disease. The team will work with you to develop management strategies aimed to maximise independent mobility, pain management and design exercise programmes.

Our team of therapists and nurses will complete assessments and work with you to ensure that the approach is maintained throughout all interventions to maximise independence during your stay. This can then be continued once you return to home.

More information on residential packages can be found here.

For support and information on Motor Neurone Disease, please visit the MND Association website.