At STEPS, the opportunity for continuous improvement is at the heart of all we do; we take your feedback, opinions and feelings very seriously. If you are unhappy with anything at all about STEPS, we would like to know about it as soon as the problem arises. In many cases, it can often be sorted out straightaway by the person or persons looking after you. Otherwise, the Registered Manager or Clinical Director will be happy to help.

If you are not completely satisfied you can put your comments in writing using the framework below (we are in the process of producing an electronic raising a complaint form or you can complete a complaints form and post in our orange feedback box located in the cafe). Once a complaint has been received we will then investigate so that we can provide an explanation, apologise and take positive action to ensure our service and care are improved.

We will always:

  • pass on any praise to the people concerned
  • handle complaints in complete confidence
  • investigate impartially
  • offer a clear and complete explanation

So please email your complaint, addressing the following points;

Tell us:

what happened?

when did this happen?

who was present?

did anyone address your complaint at the time?

what do you think could have been done differently?

Please give us your preferred method of contact for response. Would you rather we called you, and if so, what telephone number we can use and is there a good time to phone?

If you are dissatisfied with the internal investigation and response, you have the right to refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) . Information on how to do this is on their website or you can call them on 0345 015 4033. You can also contact the Care Quality Commission to leave feedback or concerns by visiting their website and completing the ‘share your experience’ form which you will find the link for on the home page.