Every year around 350,000 people are admitted to hospital with head injuries and research shows that admissions for acquired brain injuries are on the increase. Every brain injury is unique and therefore timescales for recovery and the responsiveness to different therapies very much depends on an individuals circumstances.

Following an ABI, a period of residential rehabilitation is usually recommended in a community based facility. Our rehabilitation programmes are all goal directed and address the physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms following a brain injury.

At STEPS we provide residential rehabilitation programmes to clients once they are medically stable and able to leave hospital. We can admit clients while they still have a tracheostomy and or PEG feeding tube. We can't treat clients who have an NG tube or who are ventilated or on an IV drip.

We have an experienced interdisciplinary team who provide a full range of therapies for rehabilitation following a brain injury such as physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, neurologic music therapy , neuro psychology and hydrotherapy. For a list of all the therapies we provide click here.

At any given time we are usually caring for around 10 residential clients who have suffered an ABI.

MH was a client at STEPS after he suffered a serious brain injury following a car accident. You can read more about his family's experience of STEPS in our testimonials.

There are several charities and organisations that can provide you and your family with information and support:


The Brain Injury Group

The Brain Charity