This week, Jules and Toria finalised the installation details for the STEPS hydrotherapy pool, one of the most exciting stages in our build calendar.
Last design adjustments and timings were confirmed with our suppliers Innova Care and architects, Alston Murphy. It will be Innova’s first stainless steel pool to be installed in the UK. Reval, the French manufacturers, will be transporting it over the 700 mile journey as a wide load, with a planned delivery and installation date of April 6th.
The STEPS pool will be the only one of its kind in the area, offering this unique type of therapy on site and as frequently as prescribed. It will form an indispensable element of the rapid and sustainable rehabilitation pathway on offer to STEPS patients when we open our doors in October.
The design brief gave primary importance to creating a calming ‘spa’ experience in line with our overall desire to create a unique, calming, non clinical environment at STEPS. It will include accessible changing facilities with a drop down shower bed, state-of-the-art ceiling track hoists, warm water, jets and soothing light therapy.

Toria said, “We are excited to be able to offer hydrotherapy on demand to our patients. We know that regular physiotherapy in a non weight-bearing environment, greatly promotes better elasticity, improves flexibility, mobility and overall feelings of wellbeing in a safe environment without the fear of falling. For many of our patients the pool will allow them to achieve everyday activities that they are unable to perform on dry land, such as walking or running. The physical and psychological benefits of being able to reach such goals speak for themselves. Physiotherapy in warm water is also one of the few treatments to help people with progressive conditions, strengthening muscles, easing pain and delaying the loss of physical abilities.
We have plans to open it up to the local community in time.”
Go to our services page for a full menu of therapies we will be offering at STEPS.