Complementary Therapies week runs from 20th – 25th March and celebrates the work of all complementary therapists and promotes the physical and mental benefits of complementary therapies.   

Complementary therapies are a group of therapeutic practices and techniques that are used alongside conventional medical treatments to improve health and well-being. These therapies are often referred to as "complementary" because they are intended to complement traditional medical care. 

At STEPS Rehabilitation, we use complementary therapies alongside traditional therapies to support our clients in their recovery. Combining them with established rehabilitation practices such as physiotherapy and state-of-the-art rehabilitation technology to help clients on their path to recovery. 

In this article, Jazmin Warden, Acupuncturist at STEPS Rehabilitation, discusses Acupuncture and how this complementary therapy aids clients with their rehabilitation. 

Acupuncture at STEPS Rehabilitation 

Acupuncture is one of the oldest established forms of healthcare in the world, originating in China thousands of years ago. It involves inserting fine needles through your skin at strategic points on your body.  

At STEPS, we are fortunate to have physiotherapists that have trained in acupuncture and a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. We use Acupuncture within physiotherapy as an integrated approach to managing pain and inflammation. TCM is used as a holistic approach, often looking at pain, sleep disorders, mental health and much more.   

Most of our clients' experience pain due to their injuries, acupuncture can encourage the body to release endorphins, our natural painkiller, and increases the blood flow to the area, promoting the healing process. This allows clients to access and utilise their other therapies to the best of their abilities, enhancing their rehabilitation.   

Mental health issues and sleep disorders are common for clients post trauma. As well as talking therapies and promoting good habits, there are acupuncture points that can ease anxiety, depression, PTSD and help promote good quality sleep.  

Body acupuncture is just one of the techniques we can use to help our clients, we regularly use auricular (ear) acupuncture and acupressure. Some of the reasons we use auricular therapy is to improve mental health, for sleep, and for phantom limb pain with clients who have had an amputation. Acupressure is a lovely alternative for those who have a needle phobia or where needles may not be advised due to the client suffering with severe spasms. 

All STEPS therapists practicing Acupuncture are members of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) and STEPS is registered with Sheffield City Council as an Acupuncture provider. 

Benefits of Acupuncture 

  • Stress relief 
  • Pain relief 
  • Improved mental wellbeing
  • Improved quality of sleep
  • Improved digestive system

Acupuncture can be very useful for individuals undergoing neurological rehabilitation. If you would like to find out more about our therapies and facilities or make a referral, please get in touch with our enquiries team. 

Call 0114 258 7769 or email