In late 2022, BBC News F1 Correspondent Jennie Gow survived a life-changing stroke, triggered by a persistent cough she initially believed to be part of a routine cold. The stroke left her unable to speak or work. Sharing her journey with the Financial Times, Jennie highlighted the profound impact income protection had on her recovery, describing the policy she had taken out as a “life changer.”

Income protection policies provide a vital safety net for individuals who cannot work due to illness or injury, offering much-needed financial support. In Jennie’s case, the policy went beyond covering her immediate income needs, also funding essential stroke rehabilitation services like speech and language therapy. These therapies were crucial in helping her regain her communication skills and return to work.

The Importance of Stroke Rehabilitation

Each year in the UK, over 100,000 people experience a stroke, and two-thirds of survivors leave hospital with some form of disability. Whether mild or severe, strokes can have lasting effects on speech, movement, cognition, and emotional health. Early and intensive rehabilitation is key to addressing these challenges, helping survivors relearn essential skills and improving their chances of returning to work and independent living.

Rehabilitation not only restores physical abilities but also tackles emotional and mental challenges such as depression and the loss of independence. At the point of discharge from hospital, stroke survivors may not be ready to return directly home. In such cases, residential rehabilitation facilities, like STEPS Rehabilitation, provide comprehensive support, enabling individuals to regain mobility, independence, and prepare for their return to everyday life, including work.

Rehabilitation Success Stories

Client, David Noblet’s story is a testament to the life-changing potential of intensive stroke rehabilitation. At just 27, David survived a stroke that left him struggling to continue his studies. However, with the support of tailored therapies at STEPS Rehabilitation, he was able to recover, return to university, and eventually secure his dream job.

David’s experience highlights the importance of early rehabilitation in rebuilding the lives of stroke survivors. With the right therapies, such as physiotherapy, speech and language therapy and hydrotherapy, many individuals can regain control over their lives and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Read David’s story here.

The Need for Self-Funded Rehabilitation

While rehabilitation services, such as those offered at STEPS Rehabilitation, can have a transformative effect on stroke survivors, they are often not fully covered by standard healthcare. Many survivors find themselves needing to self-fund their rehabilitation. This is where income protection policies can make an enormous difference.

Income protection is not just about replacing lost wages—it can also cover the costs associated with long-term recovery, including essential rehabilitation services. Jennie Gow’s policy, for example, allowed her to access critical therapies that sped up her recovery and eased her financial worries, giving her the space to focus on healing.

For stroke survivors and their families, income protection can provide peace of mind during a time of uncertainty. Beyond covering day-to-day living expenses, some policies also fund rehabilitation therapies, including speech therapy, mental health support, and physiotherapy, giving survivors the comprehensive care they need to rebuild their lives.

It is not just altruistic for insurance companies to include rehabilitation services; by funding their client’s rehabilitation they will in many cases speed up a return to work, which reduces the length of time the insurance company needs to replace the client’s income.

However, not all insurance companies are the same, with some being much more proactive than others in funding rehabilitation. The comprehensive benefits package provided by STEPS Rehabilitation for all its permanent staff includes income protection insurance but for anyone who does not have this important protection provided by their employer and is considering a policy we strongly recommend speaking to a good Independent Financial Adviser.

Supporting the Journey Back to Work

Contrary to popular belief, strokes do not only affect the elderly. In fact, 38% of people who survive strokes are between ages 40 and 69. Awareness of this growing trend is crucial, as the average age of stroke survivors has decreased in recent years. Being prepared for the unexpected by understanding the role of income protection and rehabilitation services is essential for younger stroke survivors who wish to return to work or education.

If you or a loved one has survived a stroke and would benefit from intensive residential rehabilitation, consider the role that income protection can play in supporting your recovery journey.

Our team is ready to offer advice and information on our therapies, facilities, and how to access the services you or your loved one may need.

Contact us: Phone: 0114 258 7769