Jane has worked as an Occupational Therapist for 28 years and combined NHS and Private Practice as a treating clinician providing Occupational Therapy assessment and treatment. This work has required a high level of clinical skill and experience as well as knowledge of the medico legal processes. Jane has joined as our Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist and is currently employed in an Acting role. She is excited to be working with us at STEPS to lead and develop our Occupational Therapy service

Jane’s career has been in Rehabilitation and working with people with a wide range neurological and conditions and over the last 20 years, specialising in Brain Injury Rehabilitation and has a high level of experience working with people following traumatic injury, using inter disciplinary approaches.

Jane is passionate about Occupational Therapy and has attended many courses to gain further learning and skills and believes it is a privilege to support people to strive towards their goals and wishes through rehabilitation.