Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield

Rohit is a registered specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine and currently works as a Consultant in Spinal Injuries and Amputee & Prosthetics at the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He works at the Princess Royal Spinal Cord Injuries Centre and the Mobility and Specialised Rehabilitation Centre, where he is also the clinical lead for the Amputation and Prosthetics services. 

His primary training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation was from CMC, Vellore, India followed by two fellowships in MSK and Spinal Cord Medicine from Toronto and Sheffield. 

His areas of interest include: 

  1. Spinal cord injury – Management of acute and chronic spinal cord related issues with special focus on MSK and secondary health complications. 
  2. Amputee and Prosthetics - Development of a holistic pathway for management of pain and secondary issues following amputation. 
  3. Musculoskeletal disorders - Non-operative interventional management & rehabilitation of various musculoskeletal disorders.  
  4. Complex pain management – Holistic management of chronic pain conditions. 
  5. Research – His research revolves around his areas of interest. 
