I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for what you have done for Sam. His progress has been amazing and I know that this has been achieved through the combination of his dedication and your care and professionalism.

Scott has done a wonderful job with him in improving his mobility and I do hope that you get a photo, and maybe some video footage, of him walking out of Steps on Thursday. After all, he is living proof of someone who came in to you in a wheelchair and has come out walking!

His speech has also come on ‘leaps and bounds’ and he is now thinking in sentences rather than single words. It is much easier to understand what he is trying to say and I am convinced that he is not far away from being able to form full sentences and engage in conversation.

It has been a real pleasure for me to see him come on so well, and if it were my decision then I would have preferred him to stay with you for longer.

Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you have done for Sam. As you know, I have visited him a number of times and without fail I have found every member of staff to be polite, respectful and accommodating.

With my very best wishes and sincere gratitude.