We spoke to our Senior Rehabilitation Assistant, Zoe Johnson and asked her what a typical day working at STEPS looks like.

"After handover at 7am in a morning it’s time to sort out a plan of action! First thing, it is mostly about getting clients’ morning routines started so they can get to their first therapy session. The morning routines differ greatly from client to client. Some need full support including shaving and oral care and some only need minimal assistance or prompts.

Every client has full control over what time he or she wish to get up and the choice of a shower or a wash. Once a client is up we change bedding daily and ensure bedrooms are clean and tidy.

Every client’s timetable is unique to them and their rehab plan and it’s part of our job to ensure all therapies are carried out on time throughout the day.

One of the many jobs rehab assistants carry out is assisting physiotherapists in a gym or hydrotherapy session. This can be part of a gym group or a one to one session. It’s great to be able to see the progress a client is making. By being part of the therapy session we can witness changes and improvement thus allowing us to incorporate these factors into daily routines to help achieve the individual rehab goals.

Apart from physiotherapy sessions, clients have other important sessions throughout the day such as F.E.S (functional electrical stimulation) sensory programmes, gym programmes including motomed bike sessions, voice exercises and walking practice these activities are carried out by the rehab assistants at STEPS.

There are also many groups that are scheduled throughout the week for R.A’s to run that are less intense and a bit more fun than physio sessions! These form part of the 24-hour rehab approach. These include, wheelchair dance, breakfast club, art group, gardening, free style (this is whatever the client would like to do on that day) board games, baking and film club.

It’s not all work, work, work for the clients and we like to offer alternative things to do when their timetables are complete. We have evening activities for clients to take part in and the weekly quiz has become a big hit and gets everyone together. We have also had film and takeaway nights, cocktail making classes and bingo as well as external visitors like the lovely ladies from Irwin Mitchell that came and taught us how to play Boccia.

Good communication is essential when working as a rehab assistant as we are often the main link between all the staff whether it is the nurses, physiotherapist, SLT, chefs, reception, housekeeping, management, clients and/or family members. It’s vital that important information is recorded correctly and also passed on to the correct members of staff.

The job role of an RA can not only change day to day but hour to hour whether you’re carrying out personal care, helping someone eat, facilitating an exercise programme, applying FES, or just having a chat.

From the day a client arrives to the day they leave you are part of their day from the minute they wake up to the moment they go to bed and it’s so rewarding knowing that you have been a part of them achieving their goals.

STEPS is not only a place of work but a family. Each member has his or her own role, but we all work together to achieve the best end result."

If you are interested in working with STEPS, please visit our vacancies page or contact us on 0114 258 7769.