Josh Chilvers graduated from Sheffield Hallam University with a degree in Human Biology, from this degree he became passionate about the fundamentals of the body and how it works.

Wanting to pursue a career that combines hisknowledge of anatomy and physiology with his passion to help people, in August 2017 he joined STEPS Rehabilitation as a Rehabilitation Assistant.

Josh is studying Physiotherapy at Hallam University and continues to work at STEPS as a Rehabilitation Assistant as part of his Apprenticeship.

In this blog, Josh explains more about his role at STEPS, and his studies.

Physiotherapy Degree Apprenticeship

I have had the opportunity and flexibility through STEPS to study at Hallam University, furthering my career from a Rehabilitation Assistant to Physiotherapist.

The course I am currently studying is a degree apprenticeship, which means that I study physiotherapy at university alongside my work at STEPS Rehabilitation on a full-time contract at the same time.

The course is suitable for people like me, who work as therapy assistants, support workers as well as people new to the sector.

My timetable is structured into set weeks where I am solely in university, and around 5 or 6 weeks between working as a rehabilitation assistant.

During my course, I have 5 placement blocks which cover a variety of different fields within physiotherapy. The course runs for 3 years in total and most of my learning is at Sheffield Hallam University’s collegiate campus, where there is specialist equipment and practical training rooms that enable students to develop their practical skills..

My role at STEPS

I began working at STEPS in August 2017, after achieving a degree in Human Biology and deciding to pursue a career in physiotherapy.

STEPS provides invaluable experience; in addition to hands-on practice, I also get to work alongside some great physiotherapists who act as mentors and enhance my understanding of the profession.

Since I started the apprenticeship, I have been able to implement my learning into practice, using the theory to clinically reason why each client is undertaking their bespoke therapies and increase my skill level, efficiency and confidence in delivering therapy to the clients.

Working at STEPS has given me an insight into the world of healthcare and physiotherapy. Seeing the results of what we do to help clients at STEPS spurs me on to learn as much as I can about the subject and has enhanced my passion for pursuing my physiotherapy career.

I’m grateful to work alongside such a great team of people of STEPS who are encouraging me to further my career by supporting me with the apprenticeship.

Find out more about opportunities for a variety of degree apprenticeships at Sheffield Hallam University here.

Come and say hello to some of the STEPS team who will be on our stand at this event!

The nurse apprenticeship is also due to be launched in September 2020 and STEPS is looking to support this scheme and help develop the nurses of the future!