STEPS Rehabilitation is delighted to announce that following an inspection by the CQC on 31st January we have been awarded a GOOD rating across all 5 assessment areas in the CQC Report. This favourable grading reflects the hard work and dedication of all staff and the management team since opening 3 years ago.

The inspectors interviewed 5 clients, 9 staff members, our service manager (Rebecca Stephenson) and the registered person (Toria Chan). They also received written feedback from external professionals, including those who commission to STEPS, and a client’s relative.

The 5 areas they considered related to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led STEPS is, and we’re absolutely thrilled with the feedback we received from clients and from those with whom we collaborate externally, as well as the inspector’s comments on what they found.

The full report can be read here, but below are a few highlights.

About our Staff

Overall STEPS is seen as providing “care and support that was highly personalised to meet their (clients) individual needs.” Inspectors noted that staff explained how “people’s dignity and wellbeing underpinned their roles and spoke with passion about how they support people through their rehabilitation.” Clients interviewed revealed how they felt “immensely valued by staff” and inspectors noted that “staff were highly motivated to support people’s independence.”

Direct client feedback about our staff included this lovely comment: “They go above and beyond, every single time, it’s more than just a job to them, you can see that.”

About our Chefs

Our Chefs were also singled out and praised for delivering a “highly person-centred approach to meal planning”, even holding cookery courses for clients and producing homemade bread and cakes, as well as looking to evolve what they do by designing an all-day menu so that people can order food as they wanted, outside pre-arranged mealtimes.

About our Management Team

An external professional interviewed said “The Clinical Director in my opinion goes over and above to ensure that assessments are carried our in a timely manner, and she will liaise as necessary to ensure they have the full information required, as well as providing information to the client and family.”

Inspectors describe how “Managers within the service were highly visible and displayed a clear passion about the service’s aims and objectives” describing them as “accessible, committed and professional.”

Client Comments

It was the comments made by clients that have really touched the staff and management team:

  • I couldn’t have imagined the things they’ve done for me. I came in here on my back and now I’m sitting, moving around…it’s unbelievable!”
  • One client described how their injury had impacted on the health of their spouse, but after moving to STEPS their spouse had improved – “it’s like they are healing us both.”
  • It’s unbelievable what they have done for me; when they told me (when I arrived) what I could achieve I laughed at them, but it’s been amazing.”
  • It feels like they’ve known me forever, I’m involved in everything and felt like I’m in charge, but the things they’ve helped me achieve has been amazing.”
  • The feeling here is like a big family, the staff always have smiles on their faces and are always positive. Sometimes we have the biggest down days, it’s hard work, but they never fail to lift me up.”