For people who have suffered a life-changing injury or illness, deciding on the best approach to their rehabilitation can feel overwhelming. That’s why our Referrals and Admissions Team are on hand to help clients every step of the way.

In this article Referrals and Admissions lead, Katy Taylor, talks about her role and how she makes plain sailing of the admissions process.

“When people first get in touch with us, they usually have lots of really important questions about how STEPS can help them and also around how their rehabilitation may be funded” explains Katy. “We’re always really happy to talk to them about what combination of therapies and care are available, and we encourage people to visit us so that they can see for themselves exactly what makes STEPS so unique and special.”

Taking the time to fully understand a new client’s individual circumstances is a critical part of the referral and admission process. No one client is the same, therefore getting as much information on a person’s condition, their accident or illness, and what they’d like to achieve through their rehabilitation is a conversation that is had early, and one that can be also help to identify available funding options.

Funding your place at STEPS

The cost of coming to STEPS is, understandably, one of the main areas that we’re asked about. Clients often have preconceived ideas of how they can be funded to come to us, and it’s important to ensure people are aware of their options – whether that’s exploring NHS funding, or through compensation payments. We provide guidance to individuals on how they go about exploring their funding options, and we also work alongside case managers, solicitors and the NHS CCGs to supply costs and rehab plans to help facilitate a client coming to STEPS.

Pre-admission Assessments

A pre-admission assessment is required for all clients who are coming to STEPS. Sometimes, pre-assessments are also required to secure the funding for a place with us. The assessments are often undertaken face-to-face, either whilst a client is still in hospital, or in their home. During the pandemic assessments have been conducted virtually, e.g. using Zoom. “These meetings are really detailed and can be quite lengthy. We use them to gather as much medical information as possible, examining a person’s function and movement, to what medication they are taking. It’s just as important to us to use this assessment to get to know the client. We find out about their hobbies and interests, what food they like/dislike, what their goals are. For example, we knew from our first meeting with one of our clients that he was a Master Diver and desperate to try and dive again. Working in collaboration with Dive World UK we were able to support this client to dive again.

Rehabilitation Plan

Following the initial assessment, individual plans are drawn up which sets out a client’s rehabilitation and care programme, as well as outlining goals and a discharge plan. “Each plan is unique and personalised based on the needs of the individual. We work collaboratively with existing treating teams to ensure a good handover. These plans include cost estimates which can be used to help secure funding. It details exactly what each client will receive by way of rehabilitation, care and the anticipated length of stay, and client expectations on what they would like to achieve. These recommendations aren’t set in stone though. If, for example, a client makes exceptional progress quicker than anticipated, stays can be shortened and vice-versa.

Prior to their arrival, clients receive a welcome pack which includes all sorts of information about their stay. From what to bring with them, to those all-important visitor arrangements.”

We can move very quickly if needs be to enable a client to come to STEPS. My record is taking a phone call on Saturday to a client being with us by the following Tuesday! We can’t guarantee that every admission will be that quick, but it shows what can be done when it’s necessary!”

If you would like to speak to a member of our Referrals and Admission team, please contact