Already known for its truly holistic approach to rehabilitation care, the innovative facility in Sheffield also provides bespoke training to teach the client's appointed home care teams how to manage the care and rehabilitation needs of an individual client once they are discharged home.

STEPS Training School

Following a period of intensive rehabilitation, returning home is a major milestone in the recovery process. This important period requires considerable planning to ensure a smooth transition during a pivotal moment in a person’s rehabilitation journey.  

This unique training programme, delivered by the expert team of medical and rehabilitation professionals at STEPS, will ensure that clients can transition home with a trained, care team.

Managed by Clinical Nurse Educator, Darren Bracken, and Transition of Care Lead, Jennie Foster, care teams will complete intensive training, focussing on the individual client’s condition, ongoing rehabilitation and living needs. Following a 1-day theory session, a client’s new care team will then work-shadow the STEPS specialists to learn the routine and techniques needed to care for the client once they are home.

Care Team

A client’s home care team is usually made up of around 6 people. They can be selected for an individual by the CCG or local authority; however, clients are increasingly asking to be involved in the recruitment process. 

From rehab to home

“We’re extremely proud of the ‘STEPS Training School’, which supports client’s, their families and care teams as they prepare to return home following a period of residential rehabilitation. By providing intensive training tailored to a client’s needs, we can ensure a smooth transition, and be confident that the client will continue to receive an individualised programme of care and rehab once they are home” says Business Development Director at STEPS, Jules Leahy “Our team are dedicated to supporting clients through every step of their recovery, which includes their ongoing rehabilitation and care after they have left us at STEPS.”