We are delighted to announce that we are now an accredited Living Wage UK employer.

The real Living Wage is based on the cost of living and is voluntarily paid by employers who believe that all employers need a wage that meets everyday needs.

In 2016, the government introduced a higher minimum wage for all staff over 25 years of age, however this was not calculated according to what employees and their families need to live and was instead based on a target to reach 66% of median earnings by 2024.

The Real Living wage rates are higher as they independently calculated based on what employees need to meet the cost of living.

As a Real Living wage employer, we are committed to paying all staff the real Living Wage for the real cost of living.

For an up-to-date list of the current vacancies at STEPS Rehabilitation, please visit our vacancies page.

Read more about the Living Wage movement here.