On Wednesday 15th June 2022, STEPS Rehabilitation was delighted to welcome Chris Bryant MP and Chloe Hayward, Executive Director of The United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum [UKABIF] for a tour of its state-of-the-art facility.

STEPS Rehabilitation was one of just three neurorehabilitation facilities in the UK, chosen by Chris for his tour as he continues the development of the strategy, and learns more about acquired brain injuries and the positive impact of neurorehabilitation to help inform the Acquired Brain Injury Strategy.

Based in Sheffield, STEPS Rehabilitation delivers intensive and ongoing rehabilitation for people recovering from brain injury, spinal cord injury, strokes and complex trauma injuries, enabling them to reach their full potential and to rebuild their lives.

Acquired Brain Injury Strategy

Acquired Brain Injury is a leading cause of death and disability affecting more than 1.3 million people and costing £15 billion to the UK economy each year.

The Government has agreed to implement an Acquired Brain Strategy following a successful campaign by Chris Bryant MP, with support from UKABIF and other brain injury organisations and charities. The announcement was made by Gillian Keegan, Minister of State for Care and Mental Health, in a written statement published on 2nd December 2021. The development of the strategy is being overseen by a Programme Board, co-chaired by Gillian Keegan and Chris Bryant.

The Acquired Brain Injury Strategy will support a collaborative and cross-departmental approach to ensure that people with an acquired brain injury receive the support that they need from statutory services, including health and social care, DWP, schools, prisons and sport.

Following the visit, Chloe Hayward, Executive Director of UK Acquired Brain Injury Forum (UKABIF), said: “Being able to see and speak to both staff and patients means we have real life experiences from people. As Co-Chair of the Strategy’s Patient and Public Voice Reference Group I want to make sure patients’ views are taken into consideration when the Strategy is being established."

Chris Bryant MP said: "These visits have been hugely helpful as we look to gather information and first-hand views from people working in ABI neurorehabilitation. If the ABI Strategy is to be fit for purpose, we need to know what is currently working but perhaps more importantly what isn't working in order to ensure the needs of people with an ABI are properly addressed.

"I want to say a huge thank you to everyone we met for sharing their experiences for us to consider as we take the Strategy forward."

Brain Injury Rehabilitation at STEPS Rehabilitation

STEPS Rehabilitation provide residential rehabilitation programmes to brain injury clients once they are medically stable and able to leave hospital. Rehabilitation programmes are all goal directed and address the physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms following a brain injury.

Those attending STEPS for treatment access can access a wide range of therapies all under one roof. These include world-leading VR and robotic rehabilitation technology (MindMaze and RehabHub), speech and language therapy, neurologic music therapy, neuro psychology, physiotherapy, and hydrotherapy.

“We’re delighted that STEPS was chosen of just one of three brain injury facilities, visited by Chris Bryant MP as part of his tour” said Jules Leahy, a Founding Director. “Our passion for delivering the very highest standards in neuro-rehabilitation means we’re always eager to share our experience and expertise if it means improvements in care for all.”

Photo: Chris Bryant MP, Lesley Pope (Chair of INPA) and Ray Boulger (Credit: Emma Chesworth)