Our client, Ruby, shares her story, her rehabilitation journey so far and how using the MindPod as part of her rehabilitation programme has helped her adapt to her new prosthetic limb.

Newspaper article featuring STEPS Rehabilitation client, Ruby Flanagan.

Amputee Rehabilitation at STEPS Prosthetics

STEPS Rehabilitation is the only clinic in the UK to offer a residential amputee rehabilitation service all under one roof. The service is delivered in partnership with STEPS Prosthetics. Clinical outcomes can be greatly improved when combined with a tailored programme of rehabilitation, helping the client return, as near as possible, to their pre-injury level of independence. Clients benefit from swift provision of their prosthetic or orthotic device whilst receiving daily therapy sessions to maximise their mobility, independence and general well-being.


Research indicates that people with neurological injuries and diseases benefit from greatly increased doses and intensities of behavioural intervention. A highly engaging animated gaming experience – based on evidence and prescribed protocols – MindPod Dolphin is designed to promote the recovery of motor skills and cognitive function. It comes with an anti-gravity vest that de-weights the arm and trains fine-motor control of the upper-limb by encouraging continuous exploration of its immersive oceanic environment.