Horatio’s Garden is a fantastic charity that creates beautiful sanctuaries within the heart of NHS spinal injury centres across the UK. These important gardens nurture the wellbeing being of people after spinal injury, and STEPS Rehabilitation have actively supported the charity for many years.

This year, we are delighted to be attending the RHS Chelsea Flower Show where Horatio’s Garden have their first ever show garden, designed by Harris Bugg Studio and sponsored by Project Giving Back.

It is the first show garden with accessibility at its heart and beautifully designed for those in wheelchairs and beds. A garden of two lives, it will become the eighth Horatio’s Garden, opening at the Princess Royal Spinal Injuries Centre in Sheffield in 2024.

We are asking for your help to support the charity in its efforts to win the prestigious BBC RHS People’s Choice Award where the public vote for their favourite Chelsea gardens. Horatio’s Garden supports the wellbeing of tens of thousands of people every year and the award would mean so much.

Voting is open from 19:00 on Wednesday 24th May for just 24 hours and it only takes two minutes to cast your vote by:

  1. Visit horatiosgarden.org.uk/chelsea and click on the People’s Choice link
  2. Enter your BBC login details – if you don’t have a BBC login, it’s quick and easy to create one.
  3. Select ‘Horatio’s Garden designed by Harris Bugg Studio’ and hit the ‘Vote Now’ button at the bottom of the page!

Thank you so much on behalf of the whole Horatio’s Garden team and visit horatiosgarden.org.uk/chelsea and follow @horatiosgarden on social media for all the latest RHS Chelsea news!