Fiona joined the STEPS finance team in 2020. Prior to this fiona worked at Norwich Union for 10 years as a team leader before moving to the Accounts department. She then moved to Plusnet. During her time there, Fiona studied AAT and ACCA and worked there in several roles starting as credit controller, credit control team manager, payroll manager and financial analyst.

Fiona is mum to 2 boys, Shane who's 6 and Charlie who's 10.

When not at work: Fiona likes to spend time friends, she enjoys holidays, mainly anywhere hot, with or without her boys. Fiona grew up in Switzerland and tries to get back there once a year, as well as travelling around the UK, going camping, and abroad whenever she can.

When child free Fiona enjoys socialising, running, going to the gym. She also volunteers on the management committee of her local village hall - helping put on local events for the community.

Weakness: Is easily bribed with wine and rarely says no to a night out!