Our unique RehabHub is a state-of-the-art suite of rehab technology which focus on both upper and lower limb robotic therapy, as well as cognitive feedback and training, providing a complete solution for neurorehabilitation.

Handy Rehab™
An intelligent hand rehabilitation robotic glove that assists users to mobilise their fingers. Each finger can be actuated separately and when mobilised together, different hand gestures can be positioned.
Multiple Training Modes
Fine finger motor skill training has always been the pain point of rehabilitation. The HandyRehab™ is equipped with 8 individual motors which allows it to carry out complex hand function training. The integration of EMG sensors can provide different training scenarios such as passive, active assistive as well as functional training.

A portable intelligent solution for occupational therapy through the electromagnetic sensor, LED array, dynamic control algorithm, and AI. It can help motivate users in training by a variety of accessories and games to improve the motor control ability of the upper limb, fine motor ability of fingers, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive ability.

ArmMotus™ EMU
STEPS is home to the only ArmMotus™ EMU in the UK. The ArmMotus™ EMU is a 3D back-drivable upper limb rehabilitation robot that adopted an innovative cable-driven mechanism, combined with a parallel structure made of lightweight carbon fibre rods which perfectly reduces the friction and inertia of the device. This enables the control system to respond and execute more efficiently, resulting in higher compliance in human-machine interaction.

ArmMotus™ M2
The core product of the Motus™ series. It acquires all the Fourier Intelligence’s core technology that ensures excellent user experience. ArmMotus™ M2 covers the whole continuum of rehabilitation by providing abundant training scenarios.

Targets on the rehabilitation of the ankle joint. It is designed based on the motion pattern of the ankle. It focuses on lower limb muscle strengthening, induces neuroplasticity for the muscle group involved in walking, hence regaining the ability.
Stretching – Ankle joint stretching to improve soft tissue tension.
Strength Training – Simulating different resistance in the ADL to improve muscle strength, range of movement training, improve the range of movement of the ankle joint with different training modes.
Motor Control Training – Improve motor control ability through targeted training.
Strength Training – Simulating different resistance in the ADL to improve muscle strength.

This product series is the perfect solution for the upper and lower limbs training. It can be used in different environment as well as stages of rehabilitation. It is equipped with a high-resolution touch screen display and controlled motor system that allows it to fulfil the training requirements of different rehabilitation stages. The upper limb training can effectively improve cardiovascular health as well as strengthening the muscles group of the arm, upper body and shoulder. The lower limb training targets the thigh and calf muscles as well as improving balance.

ExoMotus™ M4
Developed by Fourier Intelligence, the ExoMotus™ M4 device allows individuals with lower limb impairments to increase their activity level by performing routine ambulatory functions such as standing and walking on level surfaces and mild slopes. The device allows for individualised gait parameters to suit the user's specific needs. Early-stage rehabilitation training, such as sit-to-stand exercises, can be performed using the device to promote ideal sensory input, enhance cardiopulmonary function, and prevent muscle atrophy.

Targets on wrist functions by providing training that mimic ADL. For example, forearm pronation and supination, ulnar and radial deviation, flexion and extension. It complements the ArmMotus™ and HandyRehab™, offering a complete solution for the upper limb.

Luna EMG
Developed by EgzoTech, the Luna EMG represents a revolutionary step in the world of rehabilitation, using reactive electromyography to train the sensorimotor cortex.
The Luna EMG offers various modes catering to different rehabilitation needs, including orthopaedic, neurorehabilitation, bio-feedback, and gaming modes. The most important part of the Luna EMG is the electromyography (EMG) function, which interprets electrical signals from the brain to muscles, translating a user’s intended movements into tangible action.
The Luna EMG has six body attachments targeting major joints such as the hand/wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle, making it a versatile tool adaptable to various client needs. Its versatility extends to neurorehabilitation for client’s post-stroke, brain injury, or spinal cord injury, as well as aiding individuals in sports injury or orthopaedic rehabilitation recovery.