
case studies

Sarah's Story - Rehabilitation following a stroke.

Sarah Mellers suffered a basal ganglia stroke in December 2017 at the age of just 47. At the time of her stroke, Sarah was working full time as a teaching assistant and treasurer of a football club. The stroke came as a huge shock to Sarah, her husband David and their two sons (aged 19 […]
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Yvonne's Story - Rehabilitation following a stroke.

Yvonne was an active 83 year old living independently in her own home, enjoying walking, golf and a good social life in Cumbria. She had just enjoyed a weekend in Edinburgh with her daughter Clare and was due to be spending the day with her 2 younger sisters which she did every Wednesday. They had […]
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John's Story - Bicycle accident resulting in Spinal Cord Injury

John Leather suffered a life changing spinal cord injury when he was knocked from his bicycle in July 2019. The accident resulted in him sustaining a complicated fracture to his right shoulder and paralysis from T7 (from the bottom of his ribcage). This case study, written in January 2020, provides an account of his rehabilitation […]
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Alison’s Story – Amputation following an accident

In a previous life Alison was an Astro Physicist working in research, before deciding to make a career change and start her own landscape design and build business. The next 10 years were difficult for Alison, she was diagnosed with Osteoporosis and her mother was diagnosed with cancer and then Alzheimers. Alison was just coming […]
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Patrick’s Story – Multiple Sclerosis

Patrick lives in Dublin. He has Multiple Sclerosis. 15 years ago Patrick had a spinal fusion following a horse riding accident, soon after the operation he noticed he was starting to stumble when playing tennis. Then, while on holiday in Jordan 8 years ago, he suddenly lost all the feeling in his right leg from […]
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Lucy's Story - Spinal Injury

In November 2016, Lucy gave birth to her first child, Ellena. She was 29, fit and healthy and working as a dental nurse. Two weeks after Ellena was born, Lucy visited her GP with heavy bleeding. A scan revealed she’d retained placental cells in her womb but was reassured that they would fall away naturally. […]
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Ed's Story - Spinal cord injury following a cycle crash

Ed Hudson was just 23 years old when he was knocked from his bike by a motorist on a suburban street in Nottingham in February 2018. A newly qualified Doctor of just 8 months, he was on his way to work his shift in general surgery at Nottingham University Hospital. Despite being a low-impact collision, […]
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Inspired by Dave

Our client Dave has gone from climbing mountains to only being able to move his eyes following a brain stem stroke in March last year. On Monday 25th February, his wife Hannah spoke about his accident and ongoing journey to recovery on BBC Radio Sheffield. Her chat with Toby Foster can be listened to below: […]
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David's Story – the inspirational story of a young stroke survivor

David Noblet suffered an ischaemic stroke on the 25th November 2017 at the age of just 27. At the time of his stroke, David was fit, healthy and in his third year at the University of Nottingham studying mechanical engineering. The stroke came as a huge shock to both himself and his family, however David’s […]
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